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Ranking: Germany’s best mid-size companies 2022
24. October 2022Ihre Ansprechpartner
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Dr. Sebastian

Dr. Sebastian
10 / 2020
Ranking: Germany’s Top ‘Mittelstand’ companies 2020

Munich Strategy has identified Germany’s fastest-growing and most profitable ‘Mittelstand’ companies in cooperation with business newspaper Handelsblatt. The study “TOP 100 Ranking of the ‘Mittelstand’” has been published for the eleventh time.
Over 4.000 medium-sized German companies with an annual turnover of 10 million to about 1 billion euros were analyzed for the study. Criteria for the ranking: the companies’ revenue growth and EBIT margin during a five-year period (weighted fifty percent each).
Content of the study

Ranking of all TOP 100 companies including their annual revenue 2018/19, revenue growth and EBIT margin during a five-year period, their location, industry, company focus and position in the previous year
Profiles of all TOP 20 companies including their performance during a five-year period
Performance comparison of TOP 100 companies, average ‚Mittelstand‘ companies and DAX companies
TOP 20 ranked based on revenue growth and EBIT margin, industry and regional analysis, newcomers and longterm champions
Wissen zusammenbringen.

Schutzgebühr: € 499,00 zzgl. MwSt.
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